Svelte Router Template
Boilerplate template project for spaceavocado/svelte-router - Simple Svelte R…
Svelte Single Spa Example
This is demo app that uses Single-SPA with Svelte. It's a Mono-repo that uses…
Wjfe Single Spa Svelte
NPM package capable of creating single-spa lifecycle functions for Svelte v5 …
Single Spa And Svelte
Experimental and demonstrative repository on how to use single-spa with a roo…
Svelte Spanish Accents
Svelte-powered single-page app for practicing placing written accents on Span…
Micro Frontend Single Spa Typescript
Create micro frontend with React | Svelte | Typescript and Single SPA
Minimal Single Page With Sapper
Mostly bare-bones single-page (SPA) Svelte website with Sapper integration.
Svelte5 Spa Cloudflare
Stack for building single-page apps (SPA) using Svelte 5 hosted on Cloudflare…
Example Microfrontends Simple Spa React Svelte
Introductory workshop for my team mates about micro frontends and single-spa …
Single Spa Demo Root Config
This is the polyglot single-spa root-config app. This repo is used in conjunc…
Qiankun Multi Framework Micro Frontend
this is a sample project based on qiankun and learna which runs Augular, Reac…
Single Spa Vanilla Js
This is the single-spa application/parcel app using vanilla Js. This repo is …