sapper-template Svelte Themes

Sapper Template

A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, Firebase functions and hosting, TypeScript and TypeGraphQL, Tailwind CSS, ESLint, and automatic building and deployment with GitHub Actions

๐ŸŒ Nik Merlock's Opinionated Sapper Template

This template comes from combining two of my smaller ones: one for Tailwind CSS (PostCSS), and another for TypeScript and GraphQL. If this is too much for you, check out one of those!

โฌ‡๏ธ Install Dependencies

You need to be using version 12 or higher of Node; the package.json engines field only specifies 10 for Cloud Functions for Firebase.

yarn  # pnpm also works

๐Ÿ›  Usage

๐Ÿงช Development

yarn dev

๐Ÿ”ฅ Deployment to Firebase

This will create a production build for you before deploying.

yarn deploy

๐Ÿ”จ Testing Production Builds Locally

This probably pairs well with Firebase Emulators.

yarn prod
yarn start

๐Ÿ“ฆ Deploying a Static Site to Firebase Hosting

Cloud Functions for Firebase requires billing set up with the Blaze Plan, but you can stay on the Spark Plan for a free and fast (no cold starts!) static site:

yarn deploy:export

This will create an exported build for you before deploying.

If your project is transitioning from SSR to a static site, be sure to delete the residual ssr Cloud Function:

yarn firebase functions:delete ssr

You will also need to remove rewrites from firebase.json.

โš™ Configuration

๐Ÿ”ฅ Firebase and ๐Ÿ™ GitHub Actions

The least you should need to do to get started is to edit .firebaserc, changing the project ID to your project (initialized in the Firebase console) ID.

For automatic building and deployment to work, you need to generate a CI login token from Firebase:

yarn firebase login:ci

Then, go to your repository's Settings > Secrets. Copy the result of the command above and save it as a Secret named FIREBASE_TOKEN.

You can test if it's working by making a commit to main or master and checking the Actions tab of your repository to see if your project successfully builds and deploys to Firebase.

โšก Web app

Many of the fields in static/manifest.json (short_name, name, description, categories, theme_color, and background_color) are filled with demonstrative values that won't match your site. Similarly, you've got to take new screenshots to replace the included static/screenshot-1.png and static/screenshot-2.png files. If you want, you can add app shortcut definitions for "add to home screen" on Android. Once you change theme_color, update the meta name="theme-color" tag in src/template.html to match.

The Apple touch icon, favicon, and logo- files (also all in the static directory) are created by placing the logo within a "safe area" centered circle that takes up 80% of the canvas's dimension. For instance, the constraining circle in logo-512.png is 512 ร— 0.80 = 409.6 โ‰ˆ 410 pixels wide and tall.

๐Ÿ—บ Source maps

This project base comes with source maps enabled during development and disabled during production for the best compromise between performance and developer experience. You can change this behavior through the sourcemap variable in rollup.config.js.

๐Ÿ’จ Optionally removing Tailwind CSS (and PurgeCSS)

  1. Remove all Tailwind imports in the src/global.pcss file
  2. Remove these lines in postcss.config.js:
    1. const tailwindcss = require("tailwindcss");
    2. const tailwindcssConfig = require("./tailwind.config");
    3. tailwindcss(tailwindcssConfig),
  3. Delete the tailwind.config.js file
  4. Uninstall the tailwindcss package

๐Ÿ•ธ Optionally removing the GraphQL server

  1. Remove these lines in src/server.ts:

    1. import { createApolloServer } from "./graphql";
    2. const apolloServer = await createApolloServer();
    3. apolloServer.applyMiddleware({ app, path: graphqlPath });
  2. Remove the now-useless graphqlPath parameter to createSapperAndApolloServer in src/server.ts. This is also a good opportunity to rename the function since there is no longer an Apollo Server; if you do rename it, then also update the reference in /index.js or your Cloud Functions will still be referring to the old (now non-existent) function

  3. Delete the src/graphql folder

  4. Uninstall the apollo-server-express, bufferutil, class-validator, graphql, reflect-metadata, type-graphql, and utf-8-validate packages

  5. Remove the now-error-causing

    - name: "Delete the Unexportable GraphQL Page"
      run: "rm __sapper__/export/graphql"

    task in .github/workflows/build-and-deploy.yml

Forked from babichjacob @babichjacob's Opinionated Sapper

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