Svelte Sortable List
A svelte 3 component that implements a list with animated drag-n-drop functio…
Svelte File Upload Component
A standalone svelte component that merges <input type='file' /> with drag dro…
Svelte Sortable Flat List View
a sortable view for flat lists which also supports dragging items into and ou…
Example Template Svelte Draggable Circle
A Svelte implementation of the “draggable circle” example
Svelte Section List
a headless draggable section list for svelte https://main--transcendent-begon…
Go Captcha Svelte
🖖 GoCaptcha of Svelte, which implements click mode, slider mode, drag-drop mo…
Svelte Sortable Drag And Drop
Reference/demo project using SvelteKit and custom fork of SortableJs for drag…