svelte-draggable-plus Svelte Themes

Svelte Draggable Plus

svelte drag and drop sorting component


svelte-draggable-plus is a draggable sorting component for the Svelte framework, based on Sortablejs. If you want to learn more about Sortablejs, you can check the Sortablejs official website.


npm install svelte-draggable-plus sortablejs

If your project uses typescript, you can install @types/sortablejs to get type support.

npm install @types/sortablejs -D


    import { Draggable } from 'svelte-draggable-plus'
    let list = [
            name: 'Joao',
            id: '1'
            name: 'Jean',
            id: '2'
            name: 'Johanna',
            id: '3'
            name: 'Juan',
            id: '4'
    let options = {
        group: 'shared',
        animation: 150,
        onEnd: (event) => {

<Draggable bind:items="{list}" key="id" bind:options="{options}">
    <div slot="element" let:item>{}</div>

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