Sveltekit Integrated Websocket
First-class support for WebSockets within SvelteKit by attaching a WebSocket ā¦
Svelte Awesome Icons
Font Awesome SVG icon components for Svelte. Svelte-Awesome-Icons support majā¦
Svelte Class Transition
š A very simple Svelte 3 component that allows you to do transitions using CSā¦
Glory Svelte Preprocess
A svelte preprocess for safely minimizing CSS class footprint for unbeliveablā¦
Svelte Email Tailwind
Code, preview and test-send email templates with Svelte and Tailwind classes ā¦
Middle Class Text Editor
A svelte component implementing (limited) rich text behavior in a plain HTML ā¦
Svelte Google Materialdesign Icons
10600+ SVG Google Materialdesign icon components for Svelte. Icons support maā¦
Svelte Classlist Preprocess
This is a svelte preprocessor that allows you to use an array inside the clasā¦
Svelte Ant Design Icons
Ant Design SVG Icons v4.2.1 for Svelte. Svelte-Ant-Design-Icons support majorā¦
Classic Gym Svelte Kit
A website for a local gym built with Svelte Kit and Tailwind CSS. It is a modā¦
Desktop App Class Scheduling
A basic class scheduling for professor built in electron js and svelte with mā¦
Svelte Preprocess Directives
Svelte preprocessor that allows class and style directives to be used on Svelā¦