svelte-awesome-icons Svelte Themes

Svelte Awesome Icons

Font Awesome SVG icon components for Svelte. Svelte-Awesome-Icons support major CSS frameworks using the class props.

Svelte Awesome Icons

sponsor npm npm Created by Shin Okada License npm

2050+ Font Awesome SVG icon components for Svelte.

Thank you for considering my open-source package. If you use it in a commercial project, please support me by sponsoring me on GitHub: Your support helps me maintain and improve this package for the benefit of the community.


See the Svelte Awesome Icons documentation to learn more.



GitHub Repo

Original source

FontAwesome/Font-Awesome v6.2.1


Svelte 5 or later

pnpm i -D svelte-awesome-icons

Svelte 4/5

pnpm i -D svelte-awesome-icons@v1-latest

Other icons


Svelte-Awesome-Icons License

Font-Awesome LICENSE

Top categories

svelte logo

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