mdsvex-enhanced-images Svelte Themes

Mdsvex Enhanced Images

A plugin for mdsvex & sveltekit that enhances image handling by allowing the use of relative URLs, adding CSS classes and extra attributes, and applying imagetools directives directly in markdown files.


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This plugin allows you to:

  • use relative urls to images from the markdown file while also using the enhanced:img library from @sveltejs/enhanced-img.
  • add CSS class names and extra attributes (loading, fetchpriority, and decoding) to images directly in markdown (image by image) or through the plugin configuration (to all images).
  • add imagetools directives to images in markdown (image by image) or through the plugin configuration (to all images).

Special thanks to, for the inspiration.

Feel free to open a PR or an issue if you have any suggestions or feature requests!


Augustin C.
James Antony Francis Manley



npm install --save-dev @lzinga/mdsvex-enhanced-images

(or the equivalent pnmp / yarn / bun commands)


Configure the package in your mdsvex config.

import enhancedImage from 'mdsvex-enhanced-images';

const config = {
    extensions: ['.svelte', '.md'],

    preprocess: [
            extensions: ['.md'],
            remarkPlugins: [[
                    // Optional: attributes to add to **all** `img` tags
                    attributes: {
                        fetchpriority: "auto", // browser's default
                        loading: "eager", // browser's default
                        decoding: "auto", // browser's default
                        class: "test-decoration test-shadow" // add classes to all images
                    // Optional: imagetools directives to add to **all** `img` tags
                    // see
                        tint: "rgba(10,33,127)",
                        blur: 10,
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter()

Now you can add images like

### Image With Space Local Folder
![Image With Space Local Folder](./img%20with%20space.png)

### Image no space, local folder
![Image no space, local folder](./img.png)

### Image no space, lib folder
![Image no space, lib folder](../lib/images/img.png)

You can also individually add css classes and extra attribute to images:

### Image with css classes:
![Image no space, lib folder](../lib/images/img.png?class=my-class1;my-class2)

### Image with more attributes (here, loading=lazy):
![Image no space, lib folder](../lib/images/img.png?loading=lazy)

### Image with imagetools directives

![Image no space, lib folder](../lib/images/img.png?rotate=90)

and in the page the images get replaced with the component like so.

<enhanced:img src={importedImage} alt="Image With Space Local Folder"></enhanced:img>

and in the HTML it appears like

    <source srcset="/@imagetools/43b0240cd054a16b2f8a777b81bc4080b1acf480 64w, /@imagetools/158187b3c4aa0009b5a8dab06fd646564597d12f 128w" type="image/avif" />
    <source srcset="/@imagetools/7dfbb97480e17bfd34ea5b9bf456e0904ac39232 64w, /@imagetools/51b34cea801d67387212057d7d251b64e3bcf3b5 128w" type="image/webp" />
    <source srcset="/@imagetools/749bd9a6a3c3e0aebf61154883f9a65b72404e47 64w, /@imagetools/0de3b0f0f739a05f1b5c3bde640e029bd344ccf8 128w" type="image/png" />
    <img src="/@imagetools/0de3b0f0f739a05f1b5c3bde640e029bd344ccf8" alt="abc" width="128" height="128" />

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