Sveltekit Rate Limiter
A modular rate limiter for SvelteKit. Use in password resets, account registr…
Stepzen Alpaca Graphql Svelte
This repository contains a demonstration of the /account and /orders endpoint…
Chocolate Book Svelte
A copy of Chocolate book, (An accounting and billing software); with its UI m…
Practice with Svelte.js to make a create account page and connect it to a dat…
Svelte Threejs Hederahashgraph
Basic Svelte app with Three.js and Hedera Hashgraph account connectivity
Svelte Diet Plan Creator
The Food Recommendation System is a web application designed to assist indivi…
Web App Uthentication With Magical Links Sms Codes And Google Accounts
Code for the post Web App Authentication with Email Magical Links, SMS Securi…