
Metamask Web3 Dapp

Created a Svelte web application that detects whether the user has Metamask installed as an extension or not. This then leads them to connect the account (if they have Metamask) or it requests the user to download the Metamask extension (if they don't have it installed).

Metamask Web3 Application

This web application was made through the use of the Svelte framework while integrating Solidity Smart Contracts

Resources used: Svelte, Ethereum, Metamask, Solidity, OpenZeppelin

The Web3 dApp: Deej Dapp

For this project you can use either git clone or npx degit

To clone

git clone

To use degit

npx degit darrenjamesso/Metamask-Web3-dApp <your-app-folder>


You will need to download node.js and web3.js

To do that:

npm install web3

To run the site:

npm run build
npm run dev

Because you're using svelte, you will be redirected to the https://localhost:5000


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