A basic realtime chat app with Pocketbase and Svelte
A simple chat app for learning / teaching Svelte and Socket.IO
Decentralized Chat App using GUN.js and Svelte
It's chat app completely build using SvelteKit and SocketIO
Simple Chat app using svelte socket.io and tailwindcss for styling
Chat app with Svelte, Centrifugo, and WebTransport
a simple local-first chat app using Replicache and Sveltekit
Go-fiber,PostgreSQL,Svelte ve socket.io ile yaptığım chat app
Simple p2p chat app built using Svelte
A simple chat app built with Svelte, MongoDB, and TypeScript based on Bun.js,…
Chat App made with SvelteKit and socket.io
Chat app created with svelte and socket.io.
real time chat app
Svelte and Typescript Chat App
RESTful chat application with push notifications
A robust and scalable chat web application built on a modern tech stack. This…
Svelte chat app.
Chat app made with Svelte Kit and Socket.IO
Simple fully functionnal Web UI wireframe for a chat app 🤖
Chat app with realtime conversations and posting
Chat app.
this is a frontend for a chat application in svelte and svelte kit
Svelte-PS chat app
Chat app in Svelte
Realtime chat app
I have used svelte in this chatting App
basic chat app, pocketbase svelte
chat app based svelte.js
Svelte client for chat app
Chat App built with Svelte
Just testing the waters of Svelte with this simple chat app built on Pusher t…
An open source chat app made for users, by users
Svelte and Tailwind
Using Svelte to connect to Firebase and make a bad chat app.
Testing real time comunication in sveltekit
Chat app made with svelte, express and socket.io
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, TS, Svelte, ai, openai-edge
Svelte workshop chat app w/ websockets
toy chat app made with svelte
Svelte chat app with LESS preprocessor
test project to learn svelte
Using Svelte and gun.js
chat app in svelte and pocketbase
Chat app using Firebase and Svelte
Astro 2 + Svelte, chat app sample