Sveltekit Typescript Tailwind Template
A Sveltekit template project including TypeScript, Tailwind, and all your fav…
Svelte Template Yarn Pnp
This is a basic Svelte template using Yarn Plug&Play feature. It is based on …
Svelte Preprocess Yarn 2 Scss Bug
Reproduction for
Svelte Kit Boilerplate
My svelte-kit-boilerplate configured with SvelteKit, Yarn 3, Eslint, Prettier…
Vite Plugin Svelte Yarn 2 Config File Bug
Reproduction for issue
Sveltejs Language Tools Pnp Issue
Reproducible issue for svelte language tools when using Yarn 2 with PnP
Svelte Standalone Starter
Full Svelte 3 TypeScript starter with automatic bundling into a minified and …