Sveltekit Web Scraper
Example repo for web scraping with Sveltekit API routes, Puppeteer, and Verce…
Svelte Dotnet Template
A simple project template for working with Svelte and ASP.NET. The template c…
Sveltekit Static Sitemap
Generate sitemap at buildtime for SvelteKit applications with prerendered rou…
Yarp Security Api And Ui
Security layer (API) that you can use to protect your Yarp routes and the api…
Sveltekit Route Guard
sveltekit-route-guard is a JavaScript library for creating route guard for Sv…
Sveltekit Dialog Shallow Routing
Demonstration of using native HTML Dialog element with shallow routing.
Sveltekit Routing Percent Char
A demonstration of the bug in SvelteKit's router that prevents params with a …