Svelte Radar

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Svelte Radar is a Visual Studio Code extension designed to streamline your SvelteKit development experience. It provides a visual overview of your project's routing structure, helping you navigate complex route hierarchies with ease.
Complete Route Detection: Automatically detects and displays all SvelteKit route files:
- Pages (+page.svelte)
- Server-side logic (+page.server.ts/js)
- API endpoints (+server.ts/js)
- Layouts (+layout.svelte)
- Client-side logic (+layout.ts/js, +page.ts/js)
- Server layouts (+layout.server.ts/js)
- Error pages (+error.svelte)
- Group layouts ([email protected])
[NEW] Page Content Navigator: Quickly navigate within Svelte files:
- Tagged sections for easy navigation
- Automatic component detection
- Direct navigation to component definitions
- Component instance grouping
- View Example
Smart Route Organization:
- Hierarchical view for structured navigation
- Flat view with intelligent grouping
- Sub-directory dividers for better organization
- Natural route sorting (handles numbered routes intelligently)
- Active file highlighting shows your current location
Route Type Detection: Support for all SvelteKit routing patterns:
- Static routes (/about, /contact)
- Dynamic parameters ([param])
- Rest parameters ([...param])
- Optional parameters ([[param]])
- Parameter matchers ([param=matcher])
- Group layouts ((group))
- Layout resets ([email protected])
Intuitive Navigation:
- Direct file access from sidebar
- Browser preview integration
- Quick route search functionality
Visual Navigation
The extension adds a radar icon to your activity bar. Click it to see your project's routes.
Smart Route Navigation
Press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P
and type "Svelte Radar: Open Route", You can enter:
- Full URLs (example):
- You can also use relative paths
- /login
- /dashboard/setings
- Opens:
- /blog/[slug]/comments/+page.svelte
- /products/[id=integer]/reviews/[...rest]/+page.svelte
- /(auth)/login/+page.svelte
- /dashboard/(admin)/settings/+page@(auth).svelte
- Complex nested dynamic route with parameter matcher:
- Grouped route with layout reset:
- Optional parameters with groups:
Page Content Navigator
The Page Content Navigator helps you quickly navigate within your Svelte files by providing a structured view of sections and components.
Adding Section Markers
Add section markers in your code to create navigation points:
Component Navigation
Components are automatically detected and displayed in the Page Content view:
- Click on a component to navigate to its usage in the current file
- For components with multiple instances, expand to see all occurrences
- Use the "Open Component File" action to jump directly to the component definition
You can enable or disable the Page Content Navigator in your workspace configuration:
// .vscode/svelte-radar.json
"enablePageContentView": true // Set to false to disable
Route Types at a Glance
- 🟢 Static Routes (/about, /contact)
- 🔵 Dynamic Parameters (/blog/[slug])
- 🟣 Rest Parameters (/blog/[...slug])
- 🟡 Optional Parameters (/docs/[[lang]])
- 🟠 Group Routes (/(auth)/login)
- 🟤 Parameter Matchers (/user/[id=integer])
- 📄 Server Routes (+server.ts)
- 🔧 Server Logic (+page.server.ts, +layout.server.ts)
- 📱 Client Logic (+page.ts, +layout.ts)
- 🎨 Layouts (+layout.svelte)
- ⚠️ Error Pages (+error.svelte)
Parameter Matchers
The extension supports the following built-in parameter matchers: -
- integer: Matches whole numbers
/products/[id=integer] // matches: /products/123
- float: Matches decimal numbers
/products/[price=float] // matches: /products/99.99
- alpha: Matches alphabetic characters
/users/[name=alpha] // matches: /users/john
- alphanumeric: Matches letters and numbers
/posts/[slug=alphanumeric] // matches: /posts/post123
- uuid: Matches UUID format
/users/[id=uuid] // matches: /users/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
- date: Matches YYYY-MM-DD format
/events/[date=date] // matches: /events/2024-01-05
- Custom matchers are also supported and will always match:
/products/[id=customMatcher] // matches any value
Workspace Settings
Create .vscode/svelte-radar.json
in your workspace:
"projectRoot": "frontend/", // For monorepos or custom project locations. by default it uses the current workspace root.
"port": 5173, // Dev server port (optional)
"enablePageContentView": true // Enable/disable Page Content Navigator (optional, defaults to true)
Extension Settings
"svelteRadar.viewType": "flat",
"svelteRadar.sortingType": "natural"
: Default view type ("flat" or "hierarchical")
: Route sorting method ("natural" or "basic")
natural: Intelligently sorts numbered routes (default)
basic: Standard string comparison
Flat View:

Hierarchical View

Page Content Navigator