Sveltekit Image Plugin
SvelteKit demo code for using vite-imagetools to add cached, responsive, Next…
Sveltekit Plugin System
Load plugins and inject code or component into custom location in your svelte…
Sveltekit Typescript Vite Plugin Windicss
template for SvelteKit & TypeScript & WindiCSS(vite-plugin-windicss)
Sveltekit Vite Ts Elementary Bulma
Template for setting up environment for programming audio plugins with Svelte…
Sveltekit Pluggable Static Adapter Sitemap Plugin
Plugin for creating sitemap.xml after Sveltekit build. To be used with @ivorg…
Sveltekit Pluggable Static Adapter Webp Plugin
Plugin for generating Webp images from a static Sveltekit build. To be used w…
Sveltekit Pluggable Static Adapter
Sveltekit static adapter which has the option for pre/during/post build plugins
Sveltekit Version Of Vite Plugin Ssr Project
SvelteKit version of the vite-plugin-ssr vue template/sample project
Raphael Devel Demo Sveltekit Repo 4 Vite Plugin Dynamic Import
repo to provide caoxiemeihao for a minimal sveltekit project to test vite-plu…
Svelte Tailwindcss Template
A SvelteKit Template that has TailwindCSS and Prettier plugins updated to v3 …
Sveltekit Tailwind Skeleton Example Repos
Two example repo of Sveltekit, mdsvex, TailwindCSS, tailwindcss/typography pl…
Windicss Sveltekit Override
repo to report issue overriding classes in sveltekit - windicss/vite-plugin-w…