Sveltekit Image Plugin
SvelteKit demo code for using vite-imagetools to add cached, responsive, Next…
Sveltekit Plugin System
Load plugins and inject code or component into custom location in your svelte…
Sveltekit Typescript Vite Plugin Windicss
template for SvelteKit & TypeScript & WindiCSS(vite-plugin-windicss)
Sveltekit Pluggable Static Adapter External Image Plugin
Plugin which replaces the URL's in build files from Sveltekit, by a local var…
Sveltekit Vite Ts Elementary Bulma
Template for setting up environment for programming audio plugins with Svelte…
Mdsvex Enhanced Images
A plugin for mdsvex & sveltekit that enhances image handling by allowing the …
Sveltekit Pluggable Static Adapter Sitemap Plugin
Plugin for creating sitemap.xml after Sveltekit build. To be used with @ivorg…
Sveltekit Pluggable Static Adapter
Sveltekit static adapter which has the option for pre/during/post build plugins
Sveltekit Version Of Vite Plugin Ssr Project
SvelteKit version of the vite-plugin-ssr vue template/sample project
Raphael Devel Demo Sveltekit Repo 4 Vite Plugin Dynamic Import
repo to provide caoxiemeihao for a minimal sveltekit project to test vite-plu…
Svelte Tailwindcss Template
A SvelteKit Template that has TailwindCSS and Prettier plugins updated to v3 …