Sveltekit Supabase Dashboard
Dashboard inspired by Supabase UI and made with SvelteKit as frontend and Sup…
Sveltekit Supabase Auth Starter
A starter template for Sveltekit v2 with Supabase Auth used for authentication
Sveltekit Pgvector Supabase
A demo of using vectors, sveltekit, and supabase together in a (semi) useful …
Sveltekit Supabase App Template
A template for creating a skeleton user portal using SvelteKit and Supabase
Sveltekit Supabase Auth
Example of email and password authentication in SvelteKit with Supabase backend
Sveltekit Supabase Capacitor
Sveltekit SPA-style app using Supabase and Capacitor for native mobile apps
Leaderboard Supabase Svelte
A fun friendly one-page world cup prediction points tracker for your friends!