
Sveltekit Supabase Auth

Example of email and password authentication in SvelteKit with Supabase backend


Example project using SvelteKit with the Supabase (Email and password) authentication.

Authentication is performed on the client side, but allows once authenticated to perform requests server side for SSR (each user request being authenticated through the supabase jwt).

The authentication flow:

  • Authentication with supabase-js library client side
  • onAuthStateChange method in the root routes __layout will post to the auth.json when the SIGNED_IN event is being processed (and same for SIGNED_OUT)
  • auth.json sets the jwt as a cookie in the response, allowing future requests to be authenticated (deletes the cookie in the case of sign out)
  • hooks.js will authenticate teh server side supabase client instance for each request and set the user detail in the session.


You must create a .env file with your supabase credentials containing the following variables. You can find these two information in your supabase project dashboard.


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install, start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

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