qiankun-multi-framework-micro-frontend Svelte Themes

Qiankun Multi Framework Micro Frontend

this is a sample project based on qiankun and learna which runs Augular, ReactJS, SolidJS, VueJS, Jquery, Preact and Svelte Apps in Single SPA as Micro Frontend . https://qiankun.umijs.org

Qiankun(Single-SPA) based Multi Framework - Micro Frontend setup using Lerna in Monorepo

App1 (React Host App, runs at Port 3000)

App2 (React App, runs at Port 3001)

App3 (Vue App, runs at Port 3002)

App4 (Angular App, runs at Port 3003)

App5 (Svelte App, runs at Port 3004)

App6 (Preact App, runs at Port 3005)

App7 (JQuery App, runs at Port 3006)

App8 (Solidjs App, runs at Port 3007)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ganesankar/qiankun-multi-framework-micro-frontend.git
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd qiankun-multi-framework-micro-frontend
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run the Applications:

Run npm run start . This will build and serve App1, App2 & App3 on ports 3001, 3002 and 3003 respectively. Then open http://localhost:3000/ to load HOST app.

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