spa-svelte-listener Svelte Themes

Spa Svelte Listener

Listening to single-spa events in svelte


Listening to single-spa events in svelte


This component is a simple wrapper listening to the single-spa events of the calling module while delivering the updates to the component(s) in the slot.

Usage in svelte

import Listener from './SpaListener.svelte'
import Form     from './Form.svelte'        // tbd

const modulePath = 'form'
const update = (schemaId, recId) =>
    getSchema(schemaId).then( schema => ({ schema, recId }) )
const getSchema = async schemaId => {   // tbd
    await ...

    let:prop={{schema, recId}}
    <Form {schema} {recId} />


  • the modulePath property ensures that only events for the given path are being processed.
  • the update function should return an object containing the information needed. The function may be executed sync or async.
  • the update function may take as many arguments as there are fragments in the current path delivered by the single-spa event.
  • the let:prop directive may expose the properties needed in the slot. They must be taken from the object returned by the update function.

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