Listening to single-spa events in svelte
This component is a simple wrapper listening to the single-spa events of the calling module while delivering the updates to the component(s) in the slot.
import Listener from './SpaListener.svelte'
import Form from './Form.svelte' // tbd
const modulePath = 'form'
const update = (schemaId, recId) =>
getSchema(schemaId).then( schema => ({ schema, recId }) )
const getSchema = async schemaId => { // tbd
await ...
let:prop={{schema, recId}}
<Form {schema} {recId} />
property ensures that only events for the given path
are being processed.update
function should return an object containing the information
needed. The function may be executed sync or async.update
function may take as many arguments as there are fragments
in the current path delivered by the single-spa event.let:prop
directive may expose the properties needed in the slot.
They must be taken from the object returned by the update function.