Tauri Sveltekit Admin Template
This repository contains a starter template for building Tauri apps using Sve…
Tauri Sveltekit Skeleton Template
This repository contains a starter template for building Tauri apps using Sve…
Walk And Graph Svelte Components
CLI node script to walk svelte and js files, to draw a beautiful JPG of your …
Tampermonkey Svelte Template
A template with Svelte + TS + Unocss + Vite to build UI - Tampermonkey script
Svelte Module Scripts Examples
Learn everything about Svelte's module script blocks and how they work
Svelte Forms Googlesheets Cf Turnstile
This project integrates a SvelteKit application with Google Sheets via the G…
Sveltekit Seo Enhancer
The package deals with managing the head section of your Svelte application, …