Note that this is no longer maintained and will not receive any updates/fixes.
This newspaper resource will add a newspaper functionality to your beautiful QBCore FiveM server.
This resource supports:
I'll offer support in my Discord server.
event local name = OtherPlayer.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname.." "..OtherPlayer.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
exports['futte-newspaper']:CreateJailStory(name, time)
after the lineif not Player or not OtherPlayer or ~= "police" then return end
['newspaper'] = {['name'] = 'newspaper', ['label'] = 'Newspaper', ['weight'] = 10, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'newspaper.png', ['unique'] = false , ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Los Santos Newspaper'},
if you use Pickle Prison, navigate to pickle_prisons\modules\prison\server.lua
search for
function JailPlayer(source, time, index, noSave)
and replace that whole function with this one
function JailPlayer(source, time, index, noSave)
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
local name = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname.." "..Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
if Prisoners[source] then return end
local index = index or "default"
local prison = Config.Prisons[index]
if not time or not prison then return end
local identifier = GetIdentifier(source)
Prisoners[source] = {
identifier = identifier,
index = index,
time = time,
inventory = TakeInventory(source),
sentence_date = os.time(),
SetPlayerMetadata(source, "injail", time)
exports['futte-newspaper']:CreateJailStory(name, time)
TriggerClientEvent("pickle_prisons:jailPlayer", source, Prisoners[source])
if noSave then return end
MySQL.Async.execute("DELETE FROM pickle_prisons WHERE identifier=@identifier;", {["@identifier"] = identifier})
MySQL.Async.execute("INSERT INTO pickle_prisons (identifier, prison, time, inventory, sentence_date) VALUES (@identifier, @prison, @time, @inventory, @sentence_date);", {
["@identifier"] = Prisoners[source].identifier,
["@prison"] = Prisoners[source].index,
["@time"] = Prisoners[source].time,
["@inventory"] = json.encode(Prisoners[source].inventory),
["@sentence_date"] = Prisoners[source].sentence_date,
:bulb: Initially there will be a "Welcome.." story. As soon as you add your first story the "Welcome.." story will delete itself.
npm install
to install all dependencies. If you don't already have node.js installed, you can download it here.'npm run dev
in ./web to compile the GUI.:bulb: When you are done working with the resource run npm run build
to minify and uglify the resource to decrease the resource size.
There are quite a lot of configurations possible out-of-the-box. These consists of two files: config.js
and config.lua
export const Config = {
newspaperTitle: 'Los Santos Newspaper',
tabs: {
showPrisonSentences: true,
showCityNews: false,
articles: {
showImage: true,
showTitle: true,
showDate: true,
showPublisher: true,
// Set this to a custom year for the publish year if needed. Otherwise it will use the current date
customYear: undefined,
publishArticleControls: [
['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],
['blockquote', 'image'],
[{ list: 'ordered' }, { list: 'bullet' }],
// Remember to align this with QBShared.Jobs in either shared.lua or jobs.lua (based on what version of qb-core you are using)
reporter: [
grade: 0,
canPublish: true,
canEdit: true,
canDelete: true,
grade: 1,
canPublish: true,
canEdit: true,
canDelete: true,
grade: 2,
canPublish: true,
canEdit: true,
canDelete: false,
grade: 3,
canPublish: true,
canEdit: true,
canDelete: true,
prisonSentences: {
imageCaption: 'Bolingbroke Penitentiary',
text: {
tabs: {
newspaper: 'Newspaper',
prisonSentences: 'Prison sentences',
reporterActions: 'Reporter actions',
prisonSentences: {
title: 'Prison sentences',
noSentencesAvailable: 'No sentences available',
reporterActions: {
title: 'Reporter actions',
noPermissions: 'You have no reporter permissions.',
publishNewStory: 'Publish a new story',
updateStories: 'Update stories',
deleteStories: 'Delete stories',
publishStory: {
textareaPlaceholder: 'Article content..',
imagePlaceholder: 'Image URL (Optional)',
titlePlaceholder: 'Title (Required)',
publish: 'Publish',
update: 'Update',
discardChanges: 'Discard changes',
preview: 'Preview',
'Wrong image format. Either .jpg, .jpeg, .png. .webp, .avif, .gif, or .svg expected',
required: 'Required',
cancel: 'Cancel',
articles: {
writtenBy: 'Written by',
on: 'on',
latestStories: 'Latest stories',
Config.BuyNewspaperText = 'Buy newspaper' -- Text shown with qb-target
Config.BuyNewspaperIcon = 'fas fa-newspaper' -- Icon shown with qb-target
Config.Price = 100 -- Price of buying the newspaper
Config.AmountOfNews = 10 -- Amount of news to be fetched from the database
Config.AmountOfSentences = 10 -- Amount of prison sentences to be fetched from the database