Generate from QR Code with style, logo, and Error Level Rate that serve to av…
QR Code generator for Svelte & SvelteKit, with no dependencies
Simple Svelte QRCode Scanner using instascan
📇 Create a QR code with your contact details that anyone can scan to add your…
A SvelteKit component for drawing QR Codes
In browser QR Code Scanner, Svelte Component
QR & barcode detection made Svelte
The minimalist, fast and private way to share contact information.
generates qr codes with a text and serverless functions
👻 csv2qrcode converter svelte
Svelte example using html5-qrcode library
Chrome Extension - QRCode by Svelte + Vite + TS
A qrcode component for svelte
ZXing QRCode scanner built with Svelte
QR Code Generator made with Svelte
QR-Code-generator wrapped as a Svelte component.
A Svelte component for making QR Codes
Gerzhan Scaner QRCode (Vite+Svelte PWA)
Svelte port of vue-qrcode-reader
Scaner QRCode PWA (vite+ts+SvelteKit)
A svelte app that creates a qrcode. Frontend Mentor Challenge
A simple Svelte app - crypto address 2 qrcode
a chrome extension base on svelte and sveltekit@next
📝 Web app for creating QR code....
Proof of concept: a Svelte app with in-browser QR code generation + interacti…
A Free Golf Balls QR Code Generator
Wifi QR code generator
<Barcode/> and <BarcodeReader/> components for React, Svelte, and Solid.js fo…
Svelte madness for creating and managing QR codes from web
Print a QR code for connecting to your WiFi network.
QR Code generator for pen plotters
Quickly create or scan QR codes.
Dynamic QR Code generator to be used by Davino's new wine labels.