Tiny FontAwesome component for Svelte
The official Font Awesome Svelte component
Universal icon framework. One syntax for FontAwesome, Material Design Icons, …
Font Awesome 5 for svelte.js
VSCode Extension Sidebar Panel with a gallery view of FontAwesome's 5/6 free …
@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome implementation for Svelte
Font Awesome 5 Svelte component https://fontawesome.com
Minimal yet meaningful abstractions for Fontawesome icons in Svelte
Use FontAwesome icons with Svelte
SvelteKit/TypeScript + Bulma + FontAwesome
Experimental Svelte app
Svelte.js/TypeScript + Bulma + FontAwesome
Tiny FontAwesome 5 component for Svelte with TypeScript types.
Simple typing game built with svelte, tailwind, fontawesome.
My Svelte learning project that serves static files.
A lightweight FRC scouting web app built with SvelteKit.
A text encoder/decoder inspired by nokia phone buttons and facebook memes
About Universal icon framework. One syntax for FontAwesome, Material Design I…