Tiny FontAwesome component for Svelte
The official Font Awesome Svelte component
Universal icon framework. One syntax for FontAwesome, Material Design Icons, …
Font Awesome 5 for svelte.js
VSCode Extension Sidebar Panel with a gallery view of FontAwesome's 5/6 free …
@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome implementation for Svelte
Font Awesome 5 Svelte component https://fontawesome.com
Minimal yet meaningful abstractions for Fontawesome icons in Svelte
Use FontAwesome icons with Svelte
SvelteKit/TypeScript + Bulma + FontAwesome
Experimental Svelte app
Svelte.js/TypeScript + Bulma + FontAwesome
Tiny FontAwesome 5 component for Svelte with TypeScript types.
Simple typing game built with svelte, tailwind, fontawesome.
My Svelte learning project that serves static files.
Donasi Digital merupakan platform untuk mengumpulkan donasi via online
A text encoder/decoder inspired by nokia phone buttons and facebook memes
About Universal icon framework. One syntax for FontAwesome, Material Design I…