Generate from QR Code with style, logo, and Error Level Rate that serve to av…
QR Code generator for Svelte & SvelteKit, with no dependencies
Simple Svelte QRCode Scanner using instascan
A SvelteKit component for drawing QR Codes
Scan QR Code on browser by open camera or upload QR Code image. Support open …
In browser QR Code Scanner, Svelte Component
generates qr codes with a text and serverless functions
Svelte example using html5-qrcode library
Chrome Extension - QRCode by Svelte + Vite + TS
A qrcode component for svelte
QRCode generator using SvelteKit(Svelte)
QR Code Generator made with Svelte
A Svelte component for making QR Codes
Gerzhan Scaner QRCode (Vite+Svelte PWA)
ZXing QRCode scanner built with Svelte
Svelte port of vue-qrcode-reader
A SvelteKit app to generate QR codes.
A simple Svelte app - crypto address 2 qrcode