Hobby Land is a learn and do project built using tye super cool svelte. You c…
This is a hobby project to view and edit basic xlsx/xls spreadsheet files wit…
A mixed hobby project, built with Svelte (TS) and FastAPI (Python)
svelte app
Todo List Application with Svelte
Hobby project to learn rust and svelte
A hobby website on 25 hours a day
The instagram version for our cute pugs animales, made as a hobby to learn Sv…
Work in progress, a website for my hobbies written in svelte
A hobby project of mine to learn Svelte. Feel free to provide feedback.
This is a hobby project that I am doint using Svelte and Bun
A hobby project on which I'm spending the most of my time. A SvelteKit and St…
⚡️Simply convert & revert file. Just Hobby Project! 🎉
QRCode generator using SvelteKit(Svelte)
A blogging application to write about my hobby projects, like this blogging a…
Cosmos Studio is a desktop client to interact with Azure's Cosmos Database. I…