Unofficial Svelte port of the Headless UI component library
Vercel-like style portfolio template for developers.
A port of Radix UI for Svelte
An opinionated toast component for Svelte. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.
React hook examples ported to Svelte
Svelte component for rendering outside the DOM of parent component
Simple portfolio website made in svelteKit
Svelte compiler ported to Deno
Open source ngrok alternative designed for teams. Tunnel http, tcp or websock…
Get started with your own portfolio and blog with SvelteKit and Hygraph
Svelte component for rendering block content
Minimalist Developer Portfolio Template using Svelte, Inspired from Magic UI
A port of tiptap (a renderless rich-text editor for Vue) to Svelte
My current personal website
Svelte components for efficiently rendering large, scrollable lists and tabul…
No dependecy port of Shadcn for Svelte
Second iteration of my personal portfolio website to showcase my coding and d…
Svelte port of search-ui like for people deaths search
A Svelte port of Scaffold-ETH 2
p2p git portal proof-of-concept using Svelte Golang/WASM (experimental) port for awesome svelte
Svelte port of @dhaiwat10/react-link-preview
Personal Portfolio in Svelte
A SvelteKit portfolio and blog starter with GraphCMS
My personal website made with Svelte!
Ravimo's new portfolio website, made with Svelte and TailwindCSS
✨ The first iteration of my personal website. Made using Astro, React and Sve…
Unofficial port of to be hosted on IPFS
svelte port of sonner by @emilkowalski
This is my very first svelte project
Svelte action to emit swipe and tap events, ported from react-swipeable
Svelte (v3.59.2) web framework ported to Dart.
Personal website and blog
Repository for the guide Written by @Nazeeh21 --…
My over-complicated personal site. A place to show off work and writing, and …
> Duh! my website, cause you ought to have one?
Old portfolio website
Mixcore CMS admin portal / dashboard build with Svelte Kit
Unofficial port of svelte language tools extension to VSCode Web
The web application for Discord Tickets settings, archives, feedback, and more.
My portfolio built using Svelte, SvelteKit & TailwindCSS
A Svelte 5 port of the Oneko.js library
Portfolio for 2023
(MOVED) See README. A Svelte port of shadcn-phone-input.
A Svelte component that lets you render some children into a different part o…
A Svelte port of ui.ibelick's component library for React.
Experimental port of a11y-dialog
A graphic designer portfolio site project made for my friend @Ramazan-Kocabiy…