Social Auth for Svelte v3
A facebook pixel module for Svelte / SvelteKit
Facebook Login Component to Svelte
A Svelte component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTu…
Facebook Messaging Platform - Customer Chat Integration
Svead 🍺, a component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical,…
Svelte component to easily build SVG loading cards Facebook like
A mention library for SvelteJS. This enables you to have a facebook-like user…
Facebook clone with svelte kit
Facebook clone with Svelte
Facebook clone with Svelte - FAANG clone
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️
Creating FB login using Svelte
Facebook Ad Preview SPA built with svelte
This is a sveltkit project
A practice project for facebook auth implementation with svelte 5
A Facebook Lite clone using sveltekit & Typescript.
simple and easy to use facebook style autocompletion
Sveltebook is a facebook clone web apps created using sveltekit and tailwindcss
Sveltekit / Firebase auth/db template with Facebook and Google auth.
A svelte and express node server,for authentication using JWT tokens facebook…
A Facebook clone, done as a class project with Svelte & NodeJS
A facebook clone project build in Node.js, MongoDB and Svelte
Svelte Application that unify video to run unlimited times on Facebook Ads. W…
A text encoder/decoder inspired by nokia phone buttons and facebook memes
Mirax Player is a free and open source video player for React, Vue, Angular, …
Meta Clone