Sveltekit Rate Limiter
A modular rate limiter for SvelteKit. Use in password resets, account registr…
Example Sveltekit Email Password Webauthn
Email and password example with 2FA and WebAuthn in SvelteKit
Svelte Masked Password
The InputMaskingPassword component is a password input field that includes ma…
Lucia Sveltekit D1 Example
email (or username) & password example with Lucia, SvelteKit and Cloudflare D1
Svelte Framework7 Password
Password input field with show/hide password eye button for svelte with frame…
Sveltekit Supabase Auth
Example of email and password authentication in SvelteKit with Supabase backend
A Svelte component for generating secure random passwords. Customize length a…
Sveltekit Prisma Luciaauth Superforms
a template to start a project complete with email//password and OAuth2 (githu…