

Password generation app using Svelte and FastAPI.


Password generation app using Svelte and FastAPI.

  • Generate passwords (max 128 characters) by a browser.
  • The characters used are A-Z / a-z (default).
  • Optionally digits (0-9) and symbols.
  • Specify any text you want.
  • In the case of "input text", add today's date (mmdd) to the end of the password.
  • Currently, you can also input double-byte characters such as Japanese.


Frontend: npm or yarn

cd PasswordGenarator
yarn install
yarn run dev

Backend: Python 3.9+, Poetry

cd PasswordGenarator/api
poetry install
poetry shell
uvicorn api.main:app --host --port 8000 --reload

Note: Wrote "pynvim" in pyproject.toml. It is for the defx plugin.

Note: My backend env is Ubuntu on Parallels. So, it starts with to request from Svelte (macOS). Would you please start uvicorn according to the env you are going to try?


To use Python's "secrets" lib for password generation, I decided to use them. Generally, you wouldn't need to communicate with a server to generate a password. I wanted to use a secure random number to create it.

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