Multi Monitor_calculator
A tool for planning your multi-monitor setup. Formerly written in React (and …
Svelte Intersection Tracker
Svelte Component to monitor intersection of elements in viewport/container
Svelte Window Stores
A collection of stores that monitor the size, orientation, color scheme and s…
Low Energy Outdoor Monitoring
Outdoor IoT system that collects environmental data, such as: soil moisture, …
Iota Address Monitor
Simple application to monitor iota addresses built with svelte, capacitor and…
A monitoring svelte application designed to work in OpenLLM-France's open_web…
Iota Address Monitor
Electron application to monitor IOTA addresses for their latest balances; wri…
Svelte Orangepizero2w Dashboard
A lightweight Svelte-based system monitoring dashboard for the Orange Pi Zero 2W
Svienna Sveltekit Sdk Bts
Slides for my Talk at Svienna January 2023: Building an Error and Performance…