svelte-window-stores Svelte Themes

Svelte Window Stores

A collection of stores that monitor the size, orientation, color scheme and scroll position of the browser window.


A collection of stores that monitor the size, orientation, color scheme and scroll position of the browser window.

Compatible with Server-Side Rendering.

NPM Package

npm install svelte-window-stores



  • Check the user's preferred color scheme:
    import {ColorScheme, prefersColorScheme} from 'svelte-window-stores/appearance';

You prefer {$prefersColorScheme === ColorScheme.Dark ? 'dark' : 'light'} mode!
  • Use responsive media query in your code:
    import {makeScreenSizeStore} from 'svelte-window-stores/viewport';

    export const screenSize = makeScreenSizeStore({
        names: ['sm', 'md', 'lg'],
        thresholds: [768, 992],

Your screen is categorized as {$}
  • Show a "go to the top" button when the user scrolls down the page:
    import {scrollY} from 'svelte-window-stores/viewport';

    style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; display: {$scrollY > 10 ? 'inline-block' : 'none'}"
    >Go to the top</button
  • Automatically go full screen when the user rotates their device:
    import {orientation, Orientation} from 'svelte-window-stores/viewport';

    let fullScreenElement;

    let previousOrientation = $orientation;
    /** @type {'exit'|'enter'|null}*/
    let btnAction = null;
    $: handleOrientationChange($orientation);
    function handleOrientationChange(currentOrientation) {
        if (
            previousOrientation === Orientation.Portrait &&
            currentOrientation === Orientation.Landscape
        ) {
            if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
                btnAction = 'enter';
        } else if (
            previousOrientation === Orientation.Landscape &&
            currentOrientation === Orientation.Portrait
        ) {
            if (document.fullscreenElement) {
                btnAction = 'exit';
        previousOrientation = currentOrientation;
    function handleBtnAction() {
        if (btnAction === 'enter') {
        } else {
        btnAction = null;

<div bind:this={fullScreenElement} style="position: relative; background: white; color: black;">
    Some content here and there

        style="display: {btnAction
            ? 'inline-block'
            : 'none'};position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%)"
        >{btnAction === 'exit' ? 'Exit' : 'Enter'} full screen</button

A possible use case for $viewportSize

    import {viewportSize} from 'svelte-window-stores/viewport';

<div style="background-color: blue; color: white; width: 100%; height: {$viewportSize.height}px">
    This DIV height takes into account collapsible navigation menus and/or the search bar on a mobile
<div style="background: linear-gradient(orange, black); width: 100%; height: 1000vh">Filler</div>

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