Interactive letter

Looking for a 0 config for small stupid gift for your <INSERT HERE HUMAN RELATIONSHIP />? Try Interactive Letter the no-completely-driven-by-loveliness easies way to make a stupid gift for your <INSERT HERE HUMAN RELATIONSHIP /> project!

Build with

For a serious technical documentation check the ./doc folder


Build on Svelte to avoid as much as possible thinking due to its foolproof syntax, this repo host a simple letter for devs to make gifts, it runs under sv but its construction doesn't matter to you!. To deploy yours, simply download or fork this repo, replace its setting on the body.mdx and title.mdx files and that's it (You might want to check this link), thanks to Svelte adapter the next step is to deploy it on your favorite (Obviously Netlify) cloud SaaS

NOTE: Images for background and profile's avatar were optimized with squoosh if your images are not .webp use it to change that extensions of your images, then replace those files

Developing (If you're a crazy parrot looking for malware)

Try npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

# To install(?) dependencies at package.json
pnpm i

# To start the development server
pnpm dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

# To check what ever you wanted to change
pnpm preview

# If you finished checking on this source code for some reason you wanted to check(?)
pnpm build

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