svelte-starter-ttm Svelte Themes

Svelte Starter Ttm

A starter template for SvelteKit with Tailwind, Typescript, and MDX support.

Svelte Starter: Tailwind | Typescript | MDX

A tiny starter template for Svelte + SvelteKit with inbuilt support for Tailwind, Typescript, and MDX files. Write Svelte code inside markdown files!

  let count = 0;
  $: message = (count > 0) ? "Keep on going, get that counter up!": "Click the button on the right!"
<div class="flex my-8 justify-center">
    class="bg-primary-300 px-3 py-2 rounded shadow hover:bg-primary-400 active:bg-primary-500" 
    on:click={() => { count += 1; }}
  <p class="text-xl px-2 py-2 ml-8">{count}</p>

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