Sveltekit Boilerplate
A SvelteKit starter project with Tailwiindcss, Tailus Themer and Melt-UI inst…
Offline First Pwa Sveltekit Workbox Precaching
Create an offline-first and installable PWA with SvelteKit and workbox-precac…
Svelte Ios Pwa Prompt
Inspired by Offers a pro…
Sveltekit Postinstall Problem
Example repo to demonstrate npm install issue with monorepo and postinstall u…
Eslint Plugin Svelte Issue
Project to show bun install issue in `eslint-plugin-svelte` because of depend…
Vite Svelte Routify3 Tailwind
Template Repo for a new Vite and Svelte app with Routify 3 and Tailwind insta…
Sveltekit Demo App Adapter Node
Just an install of the official SvelteKit demo app, but switched to adapter-n…
This repository provides a comprehensive solution for managing and installin…