Sveltekit Boilerplate
A SvelteKit starter project with Tailwiindcss, Tailus Themer and Melt-UI inst…
Offline First Pwa Sveltekit Workbox Precaching
Create an offline-first and installable PWA with SvelteKit and workbox-precac…
Svelte Ios Pwa Prompt
Inspired by Offers a pro…
Sveltekit Shadcn Unplugin
A starter template for full-stack development, all libraries pre-installed
Sveltekit Postinstall Problem
Example repo to demonstrate npm install issue with monorepo and postinstall u…
Eslint Plugin Svelte Issue
Project to show bun install issue in `eslint-plugin-svelte` because of depend…
Vite Svelte Routify3 Tailwind
Template Repo for a new Vite and Svelte app with Routify 3 and Tailwind insta…
User Management Svelte Front End Code
install npm module to start and this is front end code of user management sys…
Sveltekit Demo App Adapter Node
Just an install of the official SvelteKit demo app, but switched to adapter-n…