d1-sveltekit-repro Svelte Themes

D1 Sveltekit Repro

Demonstration of an issue with Cloudflare D1 in a SvelteKit app


Demonstration of an issue with Cloudflare D1 in a SvelteKit app.

Update 2023-02-22

It actually works now with the --bundle flag. Run wrangler pages publish .svelte-kit/cloudflare --bundle to try it.


  1. Make sure you have wrangler installed locally and are logged in.
  2. Install dependencies with npm install.
  3. Create a D1 DB with wrangler d1 create d1-sveltekit-repro-db.
  4. Create a KV namespace with wrangler kv:namespace create kv. This is used as a smoke test to prove that bindings in general do work.
  5. Run a build with npm run build.
  6. Create the pages project with wrangler pages publish .svelte-kit/cloudflare.
  7. Configure the production bindings for your project in the Cloudflare dashboard.
    • KV namespace binding: KV=d1-sveltekit-repro-kv
    • D1 database binding: DB=d1-sveltekit-repro-db
  8. Publish again to trigger a new deployment that has access to the bindings with wrangler pages publish .svelte-kit/cloudflare.

Now you can check the three different API routes to see what works and doesn't (change the domain to your project).


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