Svelte OIDC Component
Sveltekit + OpenID Auth (confidential flow with Keycloak) + SSR Auth
A simple sso provider using Cloudflare Pages, D1, KV, Hono and Svelte
Example of securing Svelte app with Keycloak
Svelte template with Tailwindcss, oidc-client and svelte-spa-router
SvelteKit <Skeleton project> with Zitadel PKCE and oidc-client-ts, largely bu…
OIDC/OAuth2 authentication and authorization for prerendered/client-side-rend…
A template made for travellers.
☄️ An easy-to-use starting point to self-host Ory Kratos with OAuth2 and OIDC…
@auth/sveltekit + cognito oidc + authenticated secure websockets via AWS Api …
Authentication in SvelteKit using OAuth providers
Authentication for SvelteKit
Authentication and Authorization at the Edge
A blogging application to write about my hobby projects, like this blogging a…
[Playground] Retail - Service Oriented Architecture with MassTransit