SyncedStore CRDT is an easy-to-use library for building live, collaborative a…
An intuitive spreadsheet-like interface that lets users of all technical skil…
The classic notepad, enhanced!
The collaborative spreadsheet for AI. Chain cells into powerful pipelines, ex…
Appwrite SDK with ready to go components for Svelte / SvelteKit
A collaborative drawing web-app with streaming service
A collaborative real-time P2P virtual music instrument.
A template made for travellers.
Real-time collaborative kanban board web application.
A snake game developed using Svelte.JS
IDE based collaborative environment to work with your team. Eliminate context…
Collaborative Svelte Repo
Collaborative python programming without the server. Demos svelte + wasm usage.
A Real-Time Chat Collaborator with Svelte.js and FireBase
A local password manager
Collaborative Spotify and YouTube play queue
The old frontend for a digital and collaborative homework book
Axone universe is a platform for authors to collaborate in writing books
🎨 Simple collaborative DOM-based whiteboard
"Where's my desk?" - Search no more: Manage your floor plan and space layout;…
A collaborative web app built with Svelte and Firebase.
CodeShareApp: A collaborative platform for sharing code snippets. Built with …
A svelte tournament bracket generator for collaborative decision making. [WIP]
A simple collaborative white board application written in Go + Svelte
Collaborate using SCRUM effectively!
Web application for collaborative work with documents
This is the frontend for a collaborative text editor built using svelte
A Real Time Collaborative Whiteboard written in Python. Django + Svelte (with…
Full-stack app for collaborative painting
This is a movie recommender which follows a hybrid mechanism. I combines the …
A statically-deployed web app to enable collaborative review of word lists.
Collaborative effort to catalogue & rate everything in existence. Written in …
Collaborative and real-time colour-based music tiles.
Multiplayer drawings! Using the power of websockets, draw collaboratively wit…
My showcase of individual's skills, experience, and achievements. All develop…
Shadow Link is a bot that creates a collaborative playlist of music and video…
This a dictionary app created with a sveltkit, this project is collaborated f…
The project explores how to collaboratively develop a distributed testing sys…
Math Rizz is a comprehensive mathematics e-learning web platform designed to …