Svelte Vega Voyager Embed
Vega Voyager visualisation and analysis component embedded in a Svelte app
Stock Ai Analysis App
An AI-powered stock market analysis and prediction engine that uses OpenAI's …
Exifer Tauri Sveltekit App
WIP: A image sorter/deduper which analyses metadata in order to determine cor…
Benchmarking Front Frameworks
Front-end Browser Performance Analysis of Angular v16, Angular v15, React, Vu…
Github Language Visualizer
A website to see the statistics of languages used in your github repositories…
Companysustainabilityassessment Frontend
Sustainability Rating of Companies through AI-based News Analysis. Frontend. …
Basic Social Text Formatter
A quick and basic formatting tool for social media posts, with an enhanced se…
AI-optimized documentation library focusing on condensed, accurate technical …