PickleHub is a hub for students who are bored in school, contained in a bookm…
LibreHomework is a project made by and for students. It includes multiple too…
World's most advanced high school admissions system
An old-school keygen for outdated operating systems made using Svelte.
School organizer. Full blown solution for schools - grade managment, absence …
Interactive tool for factchecking high school groupings; built with Svelte.
School project: Testing svelte.js 🌟
Full-Stack website, system for a school
Javascript School project
Holly is a cross-platform app for managing and issuing digital school hall pa…
creating a small website for the school using svelte
SFEIR School Svelte
Redesign of Pateros Catholic School's website (Capstone Project)
Old school Static Site Generator using Svelte and PostHTML
Svelte Fullstack app
Svelte assignment for school
Svelte Framework School Projekt
school project
School Activity
school task
School assignment
Fullstack Svelte: ExpressJS, Postgres SQL app.
my school project
Puzzle8 solver - school project
Simple school system for CEMF
Search for any school in South Africa and find its location
I den här övningen så vill jag att du bygger ett bibliotek över dina favorit …
A static website for Lahore School of Learning, my high school.
Interactive App Built with Svelte and Express.js
Client for the Handasaim School schedule. Python backend on Vercel, frontend …
Build a svelte project for school management project
my final project for high school
Web app built to organize my high school's annual used textbook fair. Built w…
Simple full-stack application using Svelte, Express and Postgres
Fullstack.io tutorial project: Node, Express, Postgres, Svelte, Eslint, Prettier
rebuild of a previous school project using svelte framework
Photography School portfolio with PocketBase and Svelte