my-portfolio Svelte Themes

My Portfolio

My WIP personal site with a Svelte client and an Express/Redis API that fetches and caches blog posts from


This is the repository for Software Engineer Rachel Reilly's portfolio site.

Tech Stack



This folder contains a simple Express.js REST API with two endpoints, /api/feed & /api/mail


Sets up Express.js app


Sets up the POST endpoint at api/mail. This uses Mailjet to send data from the contact form to my email.


Sets up a GET endpoint at api/feed to deliver the data from


Fetches and parses the RSS feed, preparing the Blog posts for the client



Contains the layout for the routes on the app: /, /blog, /projects


Contains the components that are used in /pages and elsewhere. In each folder, the default of the index.js is a stand-alone component, and the child components are not to be used outside their folder.

Contains the code for the animation on the home page


Contains the content displayed in the /projects route


Contains the content displayed in the /blog route


A HOC that wraps the list items for projects and blogs


A HOC that wraps the layout of the whole app



Imports all of the SASS partials into one file


Holds all of the style variables for the project


Contains mixins for layout and brand style

_blog.sass, _project.sass, _about.sass

Contains the styles for their respective sections

Project Overview


Scale your recipes with Sliced

ProjectRepositoryBlog post

Spaced Repetition

A fullstack language learning app that uses the spaced repetition technique


One Dimensional Chess

A static two-player One Dimensional Chess game


GraphQL Bookshelf

A fullstack GraphQL project that allows users to view my virtual bookshelf and filter books by author, rating, or genre


Loan Calculator

A simple loan calculator that utilizes the useReducer() hook to calculate the new value on change rather than on submit

ProjectRepositoryBlog post


A social media platform for developers to share their work. Created for the team capstone at Thinkful's Software Engineering Immersion program


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