svelte-cached-router Svelte Themes

Svelte Cached Router

A svelte router that could cache the page component and works locally


A svelte router that could cache the page component and works locally base on page.js for route and animejs for animation.


  1. create a routes.js to define the routes

    // transitions: noAnimation, fade, parallax
    export var routes = {
        '/': {
            component: Home,

            // preload funciton: return a Promise and resolve an object
            // the object's key and value will attach to ctx.params 
            // and will set to component's props
            preload: () => {return new Promise.resolve({prop1:, prop2:})},  
            props: {                        // component with props, use default transition

        '/about/:something': {              // something's value use when component create, props
            component: About,
            keepFresh: true,                // recreate everytime
            transition: {                   // transition with props
                type: 'fade',
                params: {
                    scale: 1,
                    duration: 1000
        '/setting': {
            component: Setting,
            transition: 'parallax'          // transition name directly
  1. create Router component instance
<!-- create Router instance and set default transition -->
<Router {routes} transition='parallax' />

page component's props and callback functions

page can be any svelte component, and has some OPTIONAL special properties and callback functions.

The page component will cached by default, if you don't want cache the page you can define a property keepFresh = true then the page will recreate verytime

optional properties and callbacks:

  • props:
    • keepFresh: default is false
    • router: Router instance
  • callbacks:
    • preShow
    • preHide
    • shown
    • hidden

page component exmaple

Home.svelte : the home page component

<div>This is a normal svelte component</div>

    // this component cache or not
    export let keepFresh = true;

    // Router instance
    // auto set by svelte-cached-router
    // so you can use router in you component
    export let router

    export function preShow() {
        console.log('Home page is preShow');

    export function shown() {
        console.log('Home page is shown');

    export function preHide() {
        console.log('Home page is preHide');

    export function hidden() {
        console.log('Home page is hidden')

access Page.js instance

You can use any page.js funcitions: router.navigate

<Router bind:this={router} {routes} />

    onMount(() => {
        // router.navigate = page.js'/abut');

Page transitions

There are three default transitions buildin. fade, parallax and noAnimation default is parallax

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