Svelte Testing Library
🐿️ Simple and complete Svelte DOM testing utilities that encourage good testi…
Svelte Component Test Recipes
Svelte component test recipes using Vitest & Testing Library with TypeScript
Svelte Todo With Jest Tests
A minimal Todo app that demonstrates how to test a Svelte app with Jest and S…
Svelte Vite Jest Template
Svelte template based on Vite's Svelte template, but includes unit testing se…
Svelte Action Testing Library Issue
This repository showcases that a the @testing-library/svelte runs an action a…
Svelte Testing Library Animation Error
Minimal reproduction of an error thrown during Svelte Testing Library vitest …
Jest Component Testing
Learn automation testing on component with svelte, storybook, testing-library…
Snowpack Svelte Ts Jest
A simple example of using Snowpack and Svelte with TypeScript, Jest, and Test…
Basic Svelte Storybook
Learn automation snapshot-testing & visual-regression-testing on component wi…
Svelte Typescript Boilerplace
Svelte Boilerplate with Support of typescript, ESLINT, JEST & Prettier.