Intro Storybook Svelte Template
About Boilerplate template for the Intro to Storybook tutorial for Svelte
Svelte Router Template
Boilerplate template project for spaceavocado/svelte-router - Simple Svelte R…
Sveltekit Tailwindcss Firestore Boilerplate
SvelteKit + TailwindCSS + Firestore and Firebase boilerplate template
Surrealdb Svelte Auth Template
A SurrealDB authentication boilerplate template using server-side JWT tokens
Vscode Webview Extension Svelte
A template repository to quickly make a Visual Studio Code Webview Extension …
Sveltekit Tailwindcss Aws Cognito Boilerplate
SvelteKit + TailwindCSS + AWS Cognito boilerplate template
Svelte Leaflet Template
A simple boilerplate template for a simple map application with svelte and le…
Svelte Windicss Boilerplate
Boilerplate template and instructions, how to get started developing with Sve…
Svelte Typescript Boilerplace
Svelte Boilerplate with Support of typescript, ESLINT, JEST & Prettier.
Sveltekit Prismic Starter
A boilerplate template to create a modern website with SvelteKit,,…
Svelte Electron Typescript Tailwindcss Boilerplate
A minmimal svelte-typescript-tailwindcss & electron boilerplate template with…
Svelte Sass 12fa Template
This template is based on the official svelte boilerplate template on https:/…