Typesafe I18n Demo Sveltekit
A small project demonstrating a `typesafe-i18n` integration with SvelteKit
Typesafe I18n Demo Sveltekit Jsdoc
A small project demonstrating a `typesafe-i18n` integration with SvelteKit
Sveltekit Typescript Vitest Tailwind Scss I18n Template
SvelteKit Typescript Vitest Tailwind Scss i18n template
Sveltekit Inlang Paraglide Demo
Simple multilanguage / i18n demo with SvelteKit and @inlang/paraglide-js-adap…
Sveltekit Pocketbase I18n Cache
starting point for building powerful and efficient multilingual web applicat…
Sveltekit Projecttemplate Hobby
A simple project-template for the sveltekit meta-framework. Technologies: Sve…