sveltekit-i18n Svelte Themes

Sveltekit I18n

Internationalization for SvelteKit projects at Deckweiss

Getting started

This repository contains internationalization for SvelteKit.


1. Install package

pnpm i @deckweiss/internationalization

2. Initialize i18n

// src/i18n.ts
import { initialize as initializeI18n } from '@deckweiss/internationalization';
import de from '$lib/translations/de.json';
import en from '$lib/translations/en.json';

    defaultLocale: 'en',
    locales: {
// src/hooks.server.ts
import { handle } from '@deckweiss/internationalization';
import './i18n.js';

export { handle };
// hooks.client.ts
import './i18n.js';

3. Use translations

// +page.svelte
    import { t } from '@deckweiss/internationalization';

<p>{$t('', { date: })}</p>

4. (optional) Update selected locale

// src/lib/components/language-picker.svelte
    import { locale, locales, setLocale } from '@deckweiss/internationalization';

<select value={$locale} on:change={(event) => setLocale(}>
    <option disabled>Choose language</option>
    {#each locales as l}
        <option value={l} selected={l === $locale}>{l}</option>

JSON Format

This package is compatible with i18next JSON v4. Although, it currently does only support nested keys and interpolation with formatting.


// src/lib/translations/en.json
    "app": {
        "name": "Example app",
        "day": "Today is {{date, date(format: dddd)}}"
Usage Output
$t('') "Example app"
$t('', { date: new Date(1997, 4, 22) })} "Today is Thursday"

Date format symbols can be found here. Bundled date languages

  • German
  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish

Supported Interpolations

Date and Time

// src/lib/translations/en.json
    "day": "Today is {{date, date(format: dddd,}}" // Output: "Today is Friday, 23.05.1997"

Numbers and Currency

The options argument gets directly passed into the Intl.NumberFormat constructor. Hence, you can configure any option in JSON syntax.

// src/lib/translations/en.json
    "number": "{{count, number(options: {\"style\": \"decimal\", \"minimumFractionDigits\": 5})}}", // Output: "5,132.95000"
    "currency": "{{amount, number(options: {\"style\": \"currency\", \"currency\": \"EUR\"})}}" // Output: "5,132.95 €"


Create a new release

  1. Update package version either by hand or with pnpm version.
  2. The commit message onto main must begin with chore: release

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