selfmade-i18n-sveltekit Svelte Themes

Selfmade I18n Sveltekit

selfmade i18n in SvelteKit without additional libs

Self-made Internationalization in SvelteKit

This project shows how to leverage a SvelteKit application in several languages, without using any additional library.

This is demonstrated with a simple todo app, but it could be any application. The routes are not changed.


The translation-related files are:

  • LanguageSelect.svelte - the component that allows the user to select a language (saved in a cookie) that may differ from their browser default
  • the folder i18n and all its contents - the main logic
  • the translations folder - contains one JSON file per supported language
  • src/hooks.server.ts - loads the language from the accent-language header or the cookie
  • src/routes/+layout.server.ts - loads the language from the hook
  • src/routes/+layout.svelte - sets the language as a context


The main function is the t function exported from i18n/translate.ts. In a Svelte component, we can use it as follows.


This function is fully typed and therefore offers a convenient autocompletion for the available keys.

Translations with parameters are also possible:

// en.json

    "Summary": "There are {{ count }} todos in total."
<!-- Todos.svelte -->

{t('Summary', { count: todos.length })}

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