Router for SPAs using Svelte 3
Format your svelte components using prettier.
The Svelte Language Server, and official extensions which use it
Svelte Magic UI, Svelte Aceternity UI, Svelte Components build using Tailwind…
The most compact reactive form controller (including Validation) that you'll …
StartBootstrap SB Admin rebuilt using Svelte + Sveltestrap
The <Repl> component used on the Svelte website
[Incubation] CSF using Svelte components.
Digital Agency using svelte
Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte ap…
Use Svelte components inside a React app
The easiest way to save forms and inputs client-side in Svelte
Create three.js content using Svelte components.
Syntax Highlighting for Svelte using highlight.js
svelte-pdf provides a component for rendering PDF documents using PDF.js
Use Svelte components with Vue and React
🚧 An easy-to-use Svelte template! (Svelte + Typescript + Parcel + Express) 2020
Svelte toast notifications component that can be used in any JS application
Math for kids using Svelte & Sapper
A Telegram client for KaiOS using Svelte
An exploration into Svelte 5 using Drizzle and Svelte Kit 2
🎆 A simple fireworks library! Ready to use components available for React, Vu…
Build hybrid mobile apps using Svelte and CapacitorJS with live reloading on …
Game Boy / Game Boy Color Emulator Library, 🎮written for WebAssembly using As…
A rich text editor based off of Quill.js and Ultradom, and using Svelte for UI.
tsParticles - Easily create highly customizable JavaScript particles effects,…
A minimal starter template using Svelte 5, Supabase, shadcn-svelte, GitHub au…
Use EditorJS as a Svelte action
demo app using svelte frontend and golang backend
A theming engine for your Svelte apps using CSS Variables, persisted.
My online CV using Svelte
Voice Note taking app using Svelte.
An example of lazy-image loading using Svelte
Use React components inside a Svelte app
SB Admin dashboard, built using Svelte!
The frontend of an example fullstack app built using svelte and node
Seamlessly use React components inside a Svelte app
A Laravel Breeze starter using Inertia and Svelte.
Sidebar navigation implemented using svelte.
svelte component for using the openai realtime api
Component assignment A4, using either React or Svelte
Mapbox scrollytelling example using Svelte
An action for Svelte components to easily use QuillJS.
A Svelte component for using the Google Places Autocomplete API
Use React components inside Svelte apps.
A Quiz app completely made using Svelte
Svelte component and action to format a timestamp using day.js
A degit template for a mobile svelte app using cordova and svelte-cordova