Trpc Sveltekit Example
A sample SvelteKit application built to illustrate the usage of ✨ trpc-svelte…
Oce Svelte Gallery Sample
Sample image gallery built using Svelte/Sapper and images from Oracle Content…
Example Passkeys Svelte
This is a sample repository of a Svelte app that offers passkey authentication.
Sveltekit Monaco Editor
Simple and quick demo about how to integrate Monaco Editor in SvelteKit. Bori…
Oce Svelte Blog Sample
Sample blog site built using Svelte/Sapper and content from Oracle Content Ma…
Oce Svelte Minimal Sample
Sample minimal site built using Svelte/Sapper and content from Oracle Content…
Svelte Linaria Sample
A sample repo showing how to integrate Linaria with Svelte (webpack and rollup)
Example Passkeys Sveltekit
This is a sample repository of a Svelte app (using SvelteKit and TailwindCSS)…
Svelte Kit Navigation
A sample svelte-kit app that demonstrates path-reactive components for deep l…