Svelte Rollup Template
A svelte rollup template with Typescript support, Jest (TS), Tailwind CSS, ac…
Svelte Snowpack Template
A snowpack template for svelte with support for jest, eslint, postcss, tailwi…
Svelte Rollup Tailwindcss Template
A svelte template using tailwindcss and several other configurations that mak…
Svelte Starter Template
Simple and small Svelte starter template (only Rollup + Prettier). Optional: …
Svelte Rollup Template
Degit template for Svelte + Rollup. Run `npx degit shff/svelte-rollup-templat…
Svelte Rollup Express Template
Base starter code for a web app using Svelte, Express, and Rollup. Comes with…
Vscode Webview Extension Svelte
A template repository to quickly make a Visual Studio Code Webview Extension …
Svelte Sapper Rollup Scss Typescript Template
A template for creating Svelte/Sapper projects that supports SCSS/SASS and Ty…
Svelte Sapper Rollup Scss Typescript Now Template
A template for creating Svelte/Sapper projects that supports SCSS/SASS and T…
Svelte Tailwind Ts Starter
Starter template for Svelte + TailwindCSS + Typescript + HeroIcons apps with …
Svelte Rollup Images App
Svelte starter template with component-relative images in both HTML & CSS. Ro…
Sapper Template Rollup
Starter Rollup template for Sapper apps using postcss, purgecss, cssnano, tai…
Svelte Rollup Windicss
This template should help get you started developing with Svelte in Rollup wi…