svelte-atom-template Svelte Themes

Svelte Atom Template

Atom template using Svelte and Rollup

Running locally

Please run on node 16: nvm install 16 nvm use 16

Make sure you are using the correct version of node with NVM: run nvm use in the root of the repo. If you don't have nvm installed, add it: brew install nvm.

Install node modules: npm i

To run locally: npm run dev.


To deploy to the Interactives S3 bucket you need AWS credentials for the Interactives account in your command line. You can get these from the Guardian's permissions manager system Janus. You need to be assigned these permissions and be on a Guardian network or VPN to see them on Janus.

Fill out config.json:

    "title": "Title of your interactive",
    "docData": "Any associated external data",
    "path": "year/month/unique-title"

Deploy to S3:

npm run deploy

Running this task will output the url to be embedded in Composer.

To verify that deploy was picked up sucessfully:

npm run deploylog

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